He Says...

Southern Yankee

*Sing to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies

Well let me tell the story of a Clan named Close
With the Lord’s provision they came away from broke
Then when home became the new workplace
They got an idear that lit up their face

Light bulb moment. Very bright. Grandiose.

They started lookin’ ’round the country for a place where they could move
Lots of great choices, not sure what they should do
They said, “Tennessee is a groovin’ place for us!”
So they sold their house when the market ran amok

Seller’s market. Buy low. Sell high.

They packed up all their crap in a yellow Penske truck
Said, “Let’s go!” and they kissed for some good luck
Then they hit the road with smiles on their mouths
Put the pedal to the metal and headed on down South

Green trees. BBQ. Buttermilk fried chicken.

Y’all come back now, ya hear?

(Photo by: Drew Beamer on Unsplash)

Published by Derek

Musician, Writer, Husband of Miss Tori & Son of the King!

2 thoughts on “Southern Yankee”

  1. Gary S says:


    1. Derek says:

      Thanks, glad you like it!

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