She Says...

More Than Satisfied

Sometimes when things aren’t going the greatest, it’s hard to remember how blessed we are. I was listening to this song yesterday (Paul Overstreet is one of my favorite artists!), and I decided I wanted to share it with you all.

Life can be hard. It’s easy to get caught up in the frustrations and the heartache of things. Yes, prices are beyond ridiculous right now. Yes, we are frustrated with our government and all the chaos it has been causing. When it comes down to brass tacks though, we are so much better off than much of the world at large.

We live in a country that allows us to better ourselves. We can own our own businesses. We can freely worship in whichever church we choose. We don’t have to depend on the government for something so small as a daily loaf of bread. We have clean water that we can use to cook with or shower at will. We have stores on just about every street, where we can buy anything from shoes to produce to cars.

Let’s not forget the fact that we have indoor plumbing, we don’t have to make a fire to cook our food, and we can make a cup of coffee, pretty much any time we want to. These are all things I think most of us tend to take for granted, and we shouldn’t.

Anyway, this song is a great reminder; let’s not forget to count our blessings, and to be grateful each day! I hope you enjoy it, and that it soothes whatever may be ruffled in your soul today. ♥


Well, I’ve heard tales of millionaires and billionaires and such
Who gathered all their treasures and still did not have enough
If money could buy peace of mind I guess they’d have it all
But all the money in the world won’t hold you when you fall

We’ve got a roof over our heads and the kids have all been fed
And the woman I love most lies close beside me in our bed
Lord give me the eyes to see exactly what it’s worth
And I will be the richest man on earth

Lord, when I wished I had the things that you gave someone else
I pray that you’ll forgive me for just thinking of myself
I haven’t been as thankful as I know I ought to be
I should be more than satisfied with all you’ve given me

We’ve got a roof over our heads and the kids have all been fed
And the woman I love most lies close beside me in our bed
Lord give me the eyes to see exactly what it’s worth
And I will be the richest man on earth

One thing is for certain, it don’t matter when you die
If you had a million, or if you just got by

We’ve got a roof over our heads and the kids have all been fed
And the woman I love most lies close beside me in our bed
Lord give me the eyes to see exactly what it’s worth
And I will be the richest man on earth

More than satisfied,

(Photo by: Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash)

Published by Tori

Artist ♥ Introvert ♥ Lover Of All Things Vintage ♥ Mrs. Derek :) ♥ Daughter of the One True King †

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