She Says...

To Be Remembered

When I think about what I want my life to look like when my time on this earth ends, most of all, I want to be remembered. Not just in a passing way, but in a way that holds meaning to someone. I want my life now, to count in such a way that when people think of me after I’m gone, they remember me with love.

I read an obituary a long time ago, and it stuck with me so much that I saved just two sentences. It read:

Mary Mullally was a champion of seeing beauty in all people and her legacy is a lifetime of exquisite kindness compassion and quiet faith taught by example. Those blessed to have been a part of her life will remember her grace, humor, intelligence and amazing capacity for love.

Powerful. This is how I want to be remembered. The question is, have I obtained that? If not, how do I obtain that?

Every now and then, I am skeptical of myself as a human. I consider whether or not my life has been lived in such a way that it has impacted people. Deep down, I know that doubting myself and my self-worth is going to accomplish nothing. None of us are perfect. As a matter of fact, I sometimes wonder if any of us truly feel like we have made a difference in this world.

In those times, I try to remind myself that I am a child of God. If I am living my life according to His will, I know I am doing all that I can. He loves me for me. He created me to be the person that I am – faults and all. He created me as I am; I am an introvert, a creative, a thinker, a behind-the-scenes helper, a person who prefers to live life quietly. If he created me this way, why do I discredit myself, and feel like I should be more than I am?

In Micah 6:8, it says,

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
~ Micah 6:8

He makes it so simple for us, really. Do what is right. Be merciful to others. Walk humbly with Him. I think this includes also being merciful with ourselves. We have to learn to be kind to ourselves, and to believe in ourselves, so that we can do the same for others.

Someday, I hope that people will remember me as Mary Mullally’s loved ones remember her.
I want to leave a legacy like that.

(Photo by: Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash)

Published by Tori

Artist ♥ Introvert ♥ Lover Of All Things Vintage ♥ Mrs. Derek :) ♥ Daughter of the One True King †

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